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Installing - Windows

The program is portable and stores every settings in its main folder. Simply create a folder and unzip the contents into the folder. To uninstall, simply remove the folder.

Setting RICcreator as default program

To associoate RIC files with RICcreator, right click on a .ric file and select "Open With -> Choose default program". Browse to folder where you have installed RICcreator and select "RICcreator.exe".

Make sure "Always use the selcted program to open this kind of file" is ticked and click "OK".

Compilling from source

This works similarely for Linux and Windows with MinGW.

Make sure you have the QT4 development tools installed.

Open a terminal and goto the main folder with the source. (The folder which containts the subfolders "bin", "docs", "src", ...)

Type "qmake"

Type "make release"


I do not have one and therefore it therefore remains untested. It currently should work as the only main dependency is QT4 which supports Mac, however system specific issues might appear.

If you exprience issues and know how to fix it, try to submit a patch.